Thursday, May 20, 2010

Home, rain, and an otter

Back home :-)  I love Oregon, in spite of (or perhaps due to) never being here.  It is raining, of course, and cold.  Winter weather, frankly.  Pouring right now.  Good old Oregon, living up to its reputation...maybe this will keep outsiders from invading!  Damn Californians with their terrible driving (and terrible deficit, because I can never let an easy shot like that slide by).  But I love the rain, when I get to be all warm and cozy in my house!  Getting to sleep in as late as I want is fantastic, and waking up in my big bed with the sound of rain outside and the promise of coffee and waffles downstairs is what every vacation should be about.  I'm drinking hot chocolate right now and looking out the window at the downpour, and am happy as a clam.

Been busy getting everything ready for my trip; going to the bank later today to deposit some checks and transfer some funds.  I will soon have an apartment in Berlin!  I still haven't heard back from Haifa about whether I've been accepted into the summer program, and I emailed them a few days ago, with no response (though Jasper says he got a reply that they're out of the office until the 24th).  Serious Fail (capitalization intended) on their part.  I'm just operating under the assumption that they'll accept me, and I'll deal with figuring out what to do if they don't when/if the time comes.

I'm considering getting a twitter account, just to follow the Dalai Lama, Allie Brosh (of Hyperbole and a Half), and the guy who writes shitmydadsays.  But the idea of twitter annoys the hell out of me, regardless of the fact that it was co-founded by a Swattie.  Not cool, dude.  Although I suppose that it's an outlet for narcissism that is clearly labeled as such, and thus easy to avoid.  I do realize the irony of condemning narcissism on a blog, don't worry, but I'm choosing to breeze past it.

That's all the nattering I'll inflict for now.  As a reward for reading this far, here's a goofy picture of an otter, courtesy of
Via; submitted by Anna!


  1. Haha, Amy, I'm SO looking forward to posts on this blog (food ones especially)!
    Just a tip: I shamefully/creepily follow Twitters using Google Reader. so there's that option...

  2. Well, Neens, I suggest you add my blog to your Google Reader, because I'm afraid I will never pursue tweeting...let me know if it says it can't follow it or something and I'll see what I need to change.
