Friday, May 14, 2010

First post!

In honor of finishing finals, I have decided to write my first blog post!  Please, feel free to not read it.  I just feel sad having a blog with no posts...I think it must feel sad, too.  Hopefully now it will be less sad.  But it still needs a name.  "The hungry linguist" refers to me, and really, my blog should have its own name.  I dub thee--hold on, let me exhaustively research names.  Or visit the random name generator, whatevs.
"Yngvildr"!  Old Norse, a combination of a god's name and the word for "battle."  So legit.
Okay, my blog is officially christened Yngvildr Abigail (in case I ever need a more pronounceable alternative).
Write blog post: DONE.
Are you happy now, Yngvildr?

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