Friday, July 9, 2010

End of the week!

Good news: it's the weekend!  For me, at least.  Probably not for you quite yet.  Bad news: it's a gajillion quadrillion degrees here. Other pros and cons:
Pro: I got my student ID today so now I can get into (air conditioned!) museums for half price, which I plan to do tomorrow and Sunday.  I want to go to the Pergamonmuseum, which has the ancient Greek and Roman collections, on Museuminsel (Museum Island), where 5 excellent museums live, inluding the Bode-Museum, with ancient coin collections and Byzantine art, and the Neues Museum, where the ancient Egyptian collection resides.  I'll probably be able to manage one a day Saturday and Sunday.
Pro: Saturday I'm going to the bar to watch the last Germany game, and three girls from my class are coming with, which I'm very excited about.  Elodie is from the French part of Switzerland and lives in the apartment next to ours, Galina is from Estonia and speaks 4 languages (Russian is her mother tongue, as it is for 40% of Estonians [who knew?!], and she also speaks Estonian, English, and German), and Julia is from Moscow and is very sweet, though a little socially awkward.  The only language we all have in common is German, and since we're all moderately competent, it's great to talk all together and practice!
Con: It's going to be 35+ degrees (upwards of 95) for at least 3 days.  This is a tragedy.
Pro: I kept my window open only at night the past few days so that just cool air got in, and then closed my shutters during the day so it doesn't get warmer, which means that my room is significantly cooler than the outside, or the rest of the apartment.
Con: It's dark and a little stale.
Pro: I found several Indian restaurants that are cheap and have gotten good reviews!  Peter and Ric and I are going to go sometime next week.
Con: I left my adapter in Starbucks yesterday and it was gone today.  This is the SECOND TIME I have done that.  So I had to go to Saturn and buy a new one for 8 euro.  Blegh.  (Nana, I felt so terrible that I lost the one you gave me, but then I decided that you probably wouldn't want me to be upset about it so I ate some cookies and tried to let it go.)
Pro: It's only money, and now I can use my computer again!
Con: We ate the rest of the flan I made yesterday (by which I mean we ate it yesterday, not that I made it yesterday), so now I have no delicious cold sweetness to come home to.
Pro: I've decided I'll make it again and slice some fresh strawberries to put on top, which will be delicious!
Pro: I feel smart again!  Class is easier and I understand most things.
Con: Now I sometimes construct my English sentences wrong.  My brain is like, "No!  Verb in second position!  What are you doing?!" and I end up thinking things like, "I must in the store (to) go" or "I have hunger" or "Now construct I sometimes wrong my English sentences."  Okay, that last one is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I definitely had to fight the alarm in my brain yelling VERB IN SECOND POSITION!  Sheesh.  We're doing sentence structure this chapter, so it's not exactly surprising that it's on my mind.  I'm grateful for Swat for drilling into my head the general rules of word order (Wortstellung!), because it means I'm more inclined to do it the correct way.
Pro: There's a tiny little boy in here who's walking with his mom.  It is adorable.
Pro: THIS: Adorable Marines Rescue Adorable Kittens in Afghanistan

Okay, this post was much longer, but then Blogger lost a lot of it and I'm way too lazy to attempt to recreate it.  Fortunately, I'm pretty sure there was nothing at all vital or probably even interesting.  So I shall now go search for good places for cake in Berlin, and wish you all a very fun and relaxing weekend!

EDIT: Con: I love Berlin, I want to come back here and study for Grad School, but a) it's far from home, b) the application process is confusing and overwhelming and c) the application process for grants to finance my study is confusing, overwhelming, and extremely competitive.  And d) I have no idea what I would want to study here.  TOO MUCH TO HANDLE!  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!


  1. From Eugene- In today's sunday paper there is an article about Berlin. You should look it up on line!

  2. you should study in berlin post-grad! it would probably never been hotter during the school year than it is now, and you clearly have figured out how to survive there already.
